Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Who is going to jump in?

This means that companies need a global network of people drawn from throughout the organization that can coordinate and adapt as events unfold, reacting immediately and appropriately to disruptions such as lapses in communication inside and outside the organization and losses of physical and human resources. (If a main office overseas suddenly drops out of a company’s network, who is going to jump in?)

This network needs to quickly cycle through a process of sensing threats, coordinating, responding and then sensing again. It needs to engage in creative and collaborative yet disciplined problem solving on the fl y, even as members of the crisis network move around or drop out. This is exactly what Marine expeditionary forces do. One reason the Marines are so nimble is that they practice. Companies should do likewise. A firm could establish a globally dispersed group with shifting membership that would devote, say, half a day every other month to engaging in crisis simulations.

For complete IIPM article click here

Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006

Editor:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri